Wednesday Wats.

There was some amusing talk last week about "spring."

Can always tell a newbie.

We've got at least another month of this up and down weather, maybe even into May.

I think Fred Meyer and Costco and all the other chains get a double boost of profits from gardening supplies. Once in April, and then again in June to replace all the plants that froze from the first effort.


An ambitious program for the Parks and Rec.

I'll vote for these, because these things are the very things that will keep Bend alive over the next decade or two. We need to face up to the fact that we're a tourist destination, and we must do everything we can to tidy up the region.

Not that the measure has a snowball's chance.


"Region's Recover is Slower Than After 80's Recession." Bulletin, 3/21/12.

This may be true statistically, but I can tell you as someone who lived through the 80's recession, it felt much, much worse.

Especially from the perspective of a downtown business owner.

I don't think it was just because I was younger, though time seemed longer back then.

It seemed to take forever to come back.