Being judgmental about a business I know nothing about.... I hate that.

But here I'm going to do it anyway.

Linda and I were visiting Sunriver awhile back, and dropped in on a co-op art gallery.

I don't get the economics of galleries -- plenty of stuff I'd buy at much lower prices. Nothing I'd buy at the marked prices. Now, I understand that art must be paid for. There is probably justifiable reasons for such prices. Maybe I'm cheap for not wanting to pay them.

But, really?

I've been looking for years for a painting or photograph that I simply MUST have, but it hasn't happened yet. (I have a blank spot in my study that I'm just waiting to fill.) The thing I was noticing about most of these gallery photographs is that they are manipulated, photoshopped and altered to a ridiculous extent. Landscapes, and especially animal pictures are just a little too cute.

Now I know that the appearance of the photo depends on all kinds of factors, natural and unnatural, but there seems to me a level of interference in these photo's that turns me off. Mostly it's to make them prettier or more exotic.

I've kind of wanted a photo of the central Oregon mountain skyline. I wouldn't mind if they squeezed the mountains slightly closer, but basically I'm looking for a fresh, untouched silhouette.

Though, when I think about it, it's kind of weird that I want a picture inside the house that is a duplicate of what I could see walking outside....

For the price of some of these gallery pictures, I could buy myself a nice camera, take tons of pictures until I get one I like, and print it up myself!

Of course, I know it isn't that simple. But with digital cameras --- it almost IS that simple.