Barsoom rules!

Let Legends Rule.

Have no idea what it means, I just woke up with the phrase running through my head.


Turns out, a lot of the nerd verse is rallyig to the defense of John Carter. Someone mentioned that he thought it was because of the older nerds who went to the movie because we knew what Barsoom was. Lots of writers and cartoonist have come out and said they really like the movie.

Sounds about right.

I'm sorry that I was part of the steady negative drumbeat, even though I always intended to go see it and judge for myself. As I said, I hated the title change: Warlord of Mars, Princess of Mars, or even John Carter of Mars, all would have evoked the wonder of the original pulp.

I'm not the only one who thinks that Disney mismanaged the marketing; it looked way too generic. I didn't know it had been directed by the guy who did Nemo and Wall-E until a few days before it came out.

And I still maintain that it could've been just as good a movie if they had shaved 100 million off the special effects -- then the money its earning would have made it a hit.

I thought it was just as entertaining as Avatar, for instance. Hopefully, it will get some good word of mouth.
