Headline games.

"Housing Recovery Still At Risk of Regression...." Bulletin, 2/10/12.

Errr....what recovery?

The first paragraph of the article says: "...the housing market remains tepid and runs the risk of sinking even lower."


Heard some commentators on the 25 billion mortgage settlement. They said the banks were still on the hook for their actions, and this may be a "first installment."

If so, the agreement doesn't look quite so bad.

I have more faith in aggressive State attorneys than I do in the federal probe.


"BOTC To Step Up Its Lending."

Where have I heard that before? The banks have been pretty much saying this for a couple years now, but everyone I've ever talked to says it harder now than ever.

Anyway, saying and doing are two different things.

That graph was interesting -- going from $0.59 billion in assets in 2002 to $2.4 billion in 2008 and then back down to $1.41 billion.

Amazing they survived that. I wonder if the new CEO is going to be left holding the bag.
