Sunday suds.

Remember when the Ducks couldn't get into a bowl game at all? When having a winning record seemed impossible?

The Rose Bowl was a dream.

National Championship? Don't make me laugh.

So when the Ducks have a season where the consolation prize is the Rose Bowl, I guess we shouldn't feel too bad.

Meanwhile, a Bend school winning the state football championship. That too hasn't been likely for years. Bigger schools, bigger talent pool in the valley. (Yeah, well I suppose there are always Black Swans like Prineville, and that team that Gene Hackman coached in Indiana).


Twilight Breaking Dawn. The reviews made this so utterly unappealing, that I doubt I'll ever see it. (I did watch the first three movies because I could fit them over a weekend...)

Meanwhile -- go see Hugo. Really. A great movie.


Can we root for Tiger as an underdog now?


Linda has a cold, for the second time this season.

I managed to avoid the last one against all odds. I'm not so sanguine about me chances this time.