
There is a new book out, FREE RIDE, by Robert Levine, subtitled: "How Digital Parasites Are Destroying the Culture Business and How the Culture Business Can Fight Back.”

Salon describes it this way: "Levine’s book looks at how publishing, the music industry, newspapers and other industries drank the dot.com Kool-Aid, effectively killing themselves off."

"...dot.com Kool-Aid...."

Well, exactly. It's what I've been saying ever since I first started looking at what the magazines and book publishers and mass market bookstores were doing. It seemed really clear to me that it was a faulty premise and that it could only end in self-destruction.

So what do you do when you're threatened?

You fight.

You don't just say, wow, you're probably going to overcome us with overwhelming force so we'll just become what we would've become if you had won, even though you will probably win anyway....

What a strange reaction.

Look up the word Quisling.