Thursday thunks.

Linda has had a miserable cold. But it looks like a 3 day one --

I sort of resign myself to getting a cold when she gets one -- though once in awhile I get away with it.


The store is still on a roll. This will be the fourth month in a row that we beat last year, and I'm betting we can do it again next month. Christmas might be harder to do.

I'm also spending a lot more, too. I was able to pay my taxes without taking money out of savings, though it meant I wasn't able to pay down my credit cards quite as much as usual. I'll try to take care of that at Christmas.

I gotta say -- it's more fun at work when things are doing well.


I know it's regressive; but a flat tax appeals to me.

Problem is, I get the feeling that we all-- the 99%, if you will -- would pay the flat tax, but the 1% and the corporations would find a way not to pay.

And I'm not that far away from remembering what it was like to have to pay even a small amount of tax when I couldn't pay the rent.


No money for a silt study? (Bulletin.)

Hey, no money for anything.

Except studies that tell us we need more studies to tell us we need more studies...


"Retailers Plan to Offer Deals of Desperation."

Uh, no.

I'm going to spend every dime I have on premium, evergreen product and let nature take care of itself.

I'm not going to flail around chasing after reluctant customers.

I loved this quote: "....the only way to get holiday sales is to offer the one thing that will attract shoppers these days: low prices. That's a change from better economic times when stores could lure customers away with promises of higher-quality products or better customer service."

Uh....unless "these days" means the last half century, this is the way it's always been.

I don't remember the second half of that equation as EVER being true, at least not in my career.

Dream on.


I've already commented several times on the Kindle Fire exclusive with DC graphic novels, and the response by Barnes and Noble and Books a Million to remove those titles from their brick and mortar stores.

I wonder if this the first battle in an 'exclusive' battle. I sort of hope so and at the same time dread it. Hope for it, because such Balkanization will hurt the usefulness of e-books, dread it because of the damage it will do the the publishing industry. (Can't sell books if they aren't making them.)

The publishing industry is in trouble. Amazon has already started the process of leaving out the publishers altogether, going directly to authors.

Hey, what did they think was going to happen?

I still think the publishers made and are making a huge mistake expediting the transformation to digital books. They should have fought it. But they were so freaked out by what happened to the music industry, that they overreacted.

I would have said. "Our books will be coming out in hardcover, followed later by paperback, and when they are through selling, we'll be happy to put them into digital. That is all."

I know that absolutely no one agrees with me.