Spandex City.

Netflix streaming has problems beyond branding and price.

I find it lacking in info. They show me the movie box, and a short summary of the plot, and a less than useful rating system. (*** or below, really are like * star.)

But what I really want to know is: Who are the actors, the director and the date of the movie.

It also seems like every time I actually search for a specific movie, it isn't available.

After all these years of hearing how great Netflix is, it was quite a letdown.


I kind of like this gloominess. I don't know why. If I was in Eugene or Salem or Portland, I might not like it because it never ends. Or maybe it's just the change.

It makes me want to nest. Read. Write. Watch movies....


As much as it isn't my thing, I have to admit that Bend has an impressive amount of Spandex and Nylon.

Bikers and runners.


Going to try to write another chapter today.

The more I write, the more I see how much I need to write.

I put on the blinders to do this; writing through the doubt. Just gonna do it.



So we were better off in the Depression?

I know that's not what the front page article in the Bulletin today really says -- but, as far as the future is concerned -- it appears we may well have been better off in the Great Depression.

Incomes drop after the Great Recession? Well, that seems obvious to me, as well. The so called recovery only seems to be helping the well off.

Occupy Wall Street!


Combine that with the article on how educational software seems to be less effective than planned.

Forgive my old-fogginess, but I'm not surprised.

Read, my dear students. Read. Read everything you can as often as you can.

Good books take time and they have depth and they are complex and they are also fun and engrossing. Keep reading until you find the book that has the above characteristics.

That's how you learn.