What do we need publishers for?

A new wrinkle on the e-books front.

I've thought from the beginning that the publishers of real book/books should drag their feet on the e-books front.

I didn't think e-books were inevitable. Not like music. I won't go into all the arguments why.

But it turns out, that publishers aren't really needed. News sites can gather their articles and their reporters and create non-fiction e-books without the publishers.


What is it that publishers do exactly? Select and edit and produce books.

What don't e-books need? Most of what publishers do.

Good job making yourself obsolete, publishers. At least as far as non-fiction books are concerned.

Fiction still has to be produced. But even there, the more the publishers push fiction, the more authors are going to figure out they don't need the publishers.

Funny how I can stand back and watch Barnes and Noble subvert their own core business, and watch the non-fiction publishers become less essential.

I carry fiction. I carry books. I bet there are still lots of people who want to read both.

I just hope there will still be some publishers around to select, edit and produce the novels I want to sell.