My guy got snookered.

First of all, let me make it clear that there is no way on God's Green Earth that I won't vote for Obama in the next election. There is not a Republican in sight who I would vote for, instead.
That said, I'm not happy.

1.) I think Obama has a cautious and consensus building personality, not a daring and confrontation one.

2.) I think he is fundamentally more conservative -- moderate-- than I expected.

3.) I think he listens to experts a little too much.

The first point is O.K. I think his personality is probably the only kind that could have survived the crazies.

The second point, well, I'm a bit surprised, but I just made the assumption he was liberal, when he's pretty much an establishment kind of guy.

The third point is the one I'm disappointed in; and it shows that he probably needed slightly more seasoning as a leader.

To me, Tim Geithner is his Rumsfield. Obama just bought into their bullshit, and when he had the political momentum, didn't do anything about Wall Street.

Nothing was solved. Nothing was resolved. No one went to jail. No effective changes were made. We are all going to pay the price for years to come.

It's just sad.