Toughened rules for events? yeah, right.....

What I take away from the article on road closures and noise complaints. (Bend May Toughen Rules For Events.) The Bulletin, 7/26/11.

1.) Gosh, golly, gee -- a city councilor and a city planning commissioner got 'inconvenienced' so they are going to get paid some lip service.

2.) "Warnings" as a solution. Whatever. Telling me something is going to be inconvenient doesn't make it less so.

3.) They won't be having any hard rock shows at Troy Field.

4.) None of the participants sound like they want to change anything much -- mostly looks like a P.R. campaign to smooth the complaints. When it dies down, it will be business as usual.

5.) Walk a mile in my shoes. The shoe is on the other foot. I loved the remark by Cameron Clark at the end of the article "...the art wasn't interested in what we had to say."

Well, exactly, Cameron. Pretty much what I've been saying about YOU and YOUR events for years....You set up wherever and whenever and however you want, not making any attempt to make it easier for my store.

6.) It wasn't long ago that the city councilors decided they could abrogate the rules as they see fit. So go ahead and make more rules. As long as the event cloaks itself as a "worthy" cause, they will get the go-ahead.

7.) It won't change until it becomes so overwhelmingly destructive that even the timid citizens and business owners rise up. And of course, there will always be the caveat for "existing events." So even then, not much will change. Personally, I think we went beyond the useful number of events years ago.

8.) Nothing will change. Events will be added, lengthened, made bigger and noisier. If the majority like it, the minority can suck eggs.