Getting ready to start thinking about maybe starting to....

As I was getting ready to close last night at my usual time of 6:00, I had a family rush in and buy about 8 books. As I was dealing with them, about 5 or 6 more people came in and milled around, and I looked out on the sidewalk and there were tons of folks and the weather was beautiful and I wondered out loud, "Maybe I should stay open."

"I would think this would be good for you," the woman buying the books said.

"I haven't found it to be so, strangely," I said. "But it's been a few years, maybe I should try, especially since it's summer and a lot of that crowd are probably tourists."

"We're tourists," she said. By then, it was 6:15.

So I went and flipped the sign. I decided to stay open one more hour.

So I sat there, and about 10 more people came in, and I sold another 10.00. (Hordes of people streaming by my door.)

I never learn.

Still, I'm thinking it might be fun to spend one Friday evening a month visiting with people --IF Linda was with me, so when I got home I asked if she'd be willing to come straight to Pegasus on First Fridays after work, and we'd be all social-like for an evening. "I'll just drink a couple of glasses of wine and relax," I said.

Of course, Linda is always up for social things. (Don't know why she married me, but I'm glad she did.)

So, no promises, but we'll maybe be giving it a try, and not have too high expectations, but just look at it as a way to see some old friends and customers....