Epictetus. Part 1. Here's where I lose you...

I'm going to be doing a bit of philosophical meandering. But it will be in addition to what I already blog about, so just ignore these entries if it be your wont. I'll give you fair warning by using the name Epictetus, and a number.

I not saying my reaction to these philosophical thoughts are going to be deep or mind-blowing, but I believe thinking about them just might help make me a little more patient and understanding of other people.

I've been reading an entry in the morning, and the same entry just before bed, and I've been trying to consciously maintain them through the day. I think writing about them will help.

The numbering is mine.

Epictetus. A Manual for Living. (Interpretation by Sharon Lebell.)

I think it's pronounced Epic (as in an epic movie) tea-tus.

"Know What You Can Control and What You Can't."

"...some things are within our control, and some things are not."

"...things within our power are naturally at our disposal, free from any restraint or hindrance..."

This idea really appeals to me. It doesn't require anyone else; nor tools, nor money, nor a situation. My own "aspirations, opinions, desires," are always there and I can always access them.

I just like the self-sufficiency and completeness of this idea. It is always with me. I can work on this now. I can carry this idea with me -- in traffic, with customers, with bills, with friends and family. My attitude toward these things are the only thing I can control -- but at the same time, I can control them as much as I am capable. It's up to me.

"...those things out of your control are weak, dependent, or determined by the whims and actions of others."

I think, perhaps, some of the things Epictetus counts as beyond our control, like wealth and status, were probably more under our control today than when he was born -- but, then again, I know what he's saying. Certainly, others opinions of us are not under our control.

So much frustration in wanting other people to act differently.

More on that tomorrow.
