Free Comic Book Day is Here!

I purchased more of mix this year, than last.

Good stuff -- Green Lantern, Thor, Captain America, Star Wars...


I'm under no obligation here to be (Quote) "Fair" (Unquote). It's my blog.

On the other hand, I want this blog reflect business reality as I see it. I want people to trust what I say.

So with that in mind: I'd intended to compare Thursday's total -- with street closure-- to the day before -- without street closure. Both middle of the week days, both nice weather.

I would have posted it if the difference was extreme, so it's only fair that I report that the difference was minimal.

I will say that I had fewer 'regulars' in than usual, and that at least a couple complained. But apparently, they were substituted by non-regulars.

Last I heard, the city of Bend was trying to decide how to allocate their "general funds."

Hell. That's easy.

Legal fees...

Our county too. And our local college. And since we're calling in outside counsel, our state too.

Apparently, county official Mark Pilliod, who supposedly isn't saying anything has said a lot: "A monumental waste of resources...."

What a bunch of, whiners....

Ultimately, it's we -- the voters -- fault. We let ideological leanings overcome common sense, and have put into office petty (county) and/or clueless (city) officials.


So Al Queda has admitted Ben Laden is dead. Now the only people who don't believe that are Republicans...

(I know, I know. Cheap shot. Most DO believe it, but hey...)


I have nothing I have to do today but dink around in the garden and read comics. Life is good.