Making a federal case of it...

Unless there is more to our D.A.'s case than has so far been revealed, it mostly seems unnecessary and distracting.

The last few weeks of murdered, run over, and disappearing people has certainly pointed to what seems like an escalation of stress around here. The financial consequences may be catching up to people right about now. Housing prices are still dropping around here, which probably surprises everyone but the bubble bloggers, and it's getting beyond the dire level even some of us predicted.

And the D.A. is off on some wild goose chase.

Something I've noticed about Bend voters -- and maybe it's true everywhere -- but we tend to throw out of office perfectly good competent public 'servant's' and often replace them with less so.

You never know, I guess. But if it ain't broke, don't fix it?

Oh, sure. Every city manager, D.A., or politician accumulates enemies -- they can't please everyone. Friends come and go. So it's probably inevitable. And probably necessary when our public servants get a little too ensconced.

Still, sometimes its best NOT to make too many changes when the world is quickly changing around you. We seem to want to fire experienced city managers and D.A.'s when we need the experience the most.