Drive Angry -- or not.

Went to see Drive Angry.

I'm telling people that I have to see "All Nic Cage movies!" which isn't strictly true, but seems to be true lately.

It lived up -- or down -- to my expectations.

No, really. It was fun. Hot cars and hot women. Exploding cars and exploding women. What more could you want? Trash of a high order.

The 3-D was effective -- I actually jumped in my seat at one object coming toward me, which has never happened before.

Review, sme-views.


I can't tell if I'm really smart to buy Barnes and Noble stock or really dumb.

I bought the stock, and it immediately shot up 15%. O.K., I thought to myself, I'll sell when it hits 20% (not that I probably would've...) Then it lost the 15% gain, and dropped another 20% and it's still dropping.

I think that makes me dumb.


Always interesting to read articles about how frugal people are getting.

The behavior they describe is what I've been doing all along.

Use it up, wear it out, make it do, or do without.
