The return of Buster.

Some more recent readers of this blog may be wondering where this vociferous commenter came from, and why I post his rantings.

I find that I agree with some of what he says, disagree with some of what he says, and have a WTF? reaction to the rest.

His tone?

I can handle it, (mostly, --he's gone too far a few times--) can you?

For some reason he's chosen to drop his handle (Bilbo, Buster, or my latest tag, Sheen) and go by anonymous. Even though, once you're used to him, you can figure out it's him in the first sentence.

Back when bubble bloggers were being ignored (THERE'S a BUBBLE! WATCH OUT! The End of the World is Nigh!!!) Buster was a reliable naysayer.

Obviously, he still is.

I almost believe he's a millionaire who has cashed out and lives most of the year in Asia surrounded by nubile young maidens. Almost.

Wherever he's been, he's apparently back. Don't let him freak you out.