Human Wrecks

Sometimes I'm startled by the mugshots on KTVZ.

Human Wrecks. 35 year old men and women who look 50 years old. Beady tweeker eyes.

I was showing one particularly alarming picture to a balding friend, and his comment was: "But look how much hair that guy has!"

"Yeah, he's wasting that hair, dammit!" I said.

I don't know. You'd think these pictures would be a warning to young people of the dangers of drugs.

They are starting to show that commercial of the woman who is smoking through her tracheotomy again. Linda commented, "Is that supposed to keep kids from smoking?"

"You'd think it would work. But I'm not sure anything works."

I know that no amount of warning stopped me from smoking as a teenager. I smoked 2 packs a day from the time I was 17 until I was 27. I can't remember what my thinking process was -- actually, I'm not sure there was a thinking process. My friends started smoking, so I did too.

Then there are the human wrecks in the making. Young skinheads with huge neck tattoo's.
Girls with decaying teeth. (None of these people seem to have normal hair -- either it's shaved or wildly out of control-- like their lives.)

I've begun to think we have a permanent class, here. People who have simply given up on life in the straight and narrow, and slam against society's walls, and become human wrecks.