Driving to work thoughts....

Yet another study saying that moderate alcohol intake is good for the heart.

What is this "moderate" of which they speak?

They say 2 drinks for a guy per day.

2 drinks? It's the 3rd drink that gives me the buzz!

(errr...this is why I don't drink...)


A superficial scan of The Decemberists on Google, calls them a real, true communist band.

Funny how that word has been reduced.

Like Commies are loveable losers, somehow. Quaint.

(Yes, yes, I know that Communism was a horrible scourge, and that North Korea and China are no jokes. But I think, well, totalitarianism is a more appropriate word.)

I can remember when Communism was a fearsome word, a career ender, a serious tag to stay away from.

Anyway, it seems like socialism is a more serious charge, now.

Or....gasp!....Liberal. Say it with me, in Fox News tones ---Lib-er-al....


The street outside the store is empty.

Come on Wussies!

Put on your cute scarves and quirky hats and fur-line booties and sleek leather gloves and explore!

That goes for you girls, too!
