
Quirky girl, heavily tattooed and pierced, came in looking for "Tim Burton" books. Showed her THE MELANCHOLY DEATH OF OYSTER BOY, which of course she already had.

She left.

I wanted to tell her there were other intriguing artists in the world, but.....well, that is something she'll have to discover for herself.


John Edwards is left out of Elizabeth Edward's will:

Well, of course he is.


It's Oprah. "Piers Morgan reveals Huge first guest." (Huff. Post.)

That's not nice.


Sometimes after cruising the net, coming back to my own, ah hem, blog is refreshing. It's simple and clean and words and thoughts and feelings and all that. No flash, dash.

Everyone online is trying so hard to be clever-- to dazzle the eyes and mind.

How will Kindle or any other e-reader resist the temptation to gussy up the words -- to distract from the text?

I bet they can't.

Have you ever tried to buy a simple cell phone, one that only -- you know, like phones?


Guy came in looking for an art book his girlfriend saw, that is "big and white."

Looking around, we came up with at least 4 candidates.

He thought "it might have 'ink' in the title," which winnowed it down to about two and a half possible books.

Yes, folks, there are many art books in the world. Even big and white ones...