Sunday -- isms.

See, now I've already had some utility from the N.Y.T.'s Sunday paper. Got the Bulletin this morning, and the front page had nothing on the Gifford's assassination attempt. Hah! Small town paper.

I open the N.Y.T.'s and nothing on the front page about Gifford. Hmmm.

Actually, now that I think about it, the N.Y.T.'s was probably published way before yesterday's events -- so it doesn't quite let the Bulletin off for it's strange decision. Or , rather, it's Duckiness.

Meanwhile, the three name assassin motif seems to have sprung up again.

I kept wincing at all the "optimistic" recovery words -- this was a shot to the head. There is a term that is used: The Damage Done. No way around that. This ain't no T.V. show.

I'll stray this much into politics -- I don't care if it turns out that the 'cross-hairs' map had anything to do with this violence -- I still think it was a stupid and irresponsible thing for Sarah Palin to have done. (And no, pointing out other examples by both the left and the right STILL does not absolve her from her of this really dumb thing...)


Linda's got my cold. Kind of a strange delay there-- I got it on Christmas night, and was over it 7 days later. She got it on the 7th. She stayed home from church.


I finally logged into the Bend Economy Board, because they had a new nutcase who calls himself TomL. who I was just itching to answer. The moderator shut him down, though, so it isn't necessary.

Still, I find it fascinating that someone from outside would be so forceful in telling Bendites how to be. Kind of like wandering into someone else's house and telling them how to raise their children...


I'm reading up a storm. I'm taking my own advice and buying the books -- even new hardcover -- I want, instead of waiting sometimes forever for them to show up used. So I'm reading nothing but good books, instead of semi-good book placeholders. And just zipping through them.

I do get to buy them for 40% off, however. And I can sell them for about 1/3rd price later as used.


Got to run to the store, drop off books and straighten up the store, and grab the order lists, like I do every Sunday. I love the quiet time in the morning.