"An End to D.C. Earmarks?" The Bulletin asks this morning.
Anybody want to take any bets?
"Debt Holders May Operate Broken Top Club." So if the current owners just keep using the club as they have been using the club, how exactly are they out anything? (I suppose, future fees?)
I always said, the Broken Top residents should have let the previous guy try to run the place, and then take it over when he failed. I think he announced all kinds of "improvements" that never would've passed legal muster, which was a complete stalking horse, and stampeded the residents into buying from him. They should have let him keep it.
Instead, these 'debt holders' obviously feel the club is still worth running.
Bottom line, I'm guessing, the residents paid too much.
Someone hires a vanity online newspaper to write a dubious defense of the Sawyers for $5000.00.
Didn't the Sawyers just ask for court appointed lawyers?
If it snows, we're screwed: Part 2.
Bend's budget for this winter is: "...hoping for an uneventful winter."
Backup plan: "...should be adequate provided the city doesn't see a major snowstorm this winter."
This may not end well.
Not to pick on the poor B.A.T. but I've taken to counting the riders whenever I pass a bus. I usually see none, or one or two.
Hard to believe this thing is even close to cost-efficient.
I know some of you will pop up and say, mass transit is never cost-efficient, to which I ask, "Why not?" Surely there must be a way to transport people more efficiently.
But, hey, since the city can't plow the roads, these buses won't be going anywhere anyway.
Hey Bank of the Cascades -- why don't you just extend the "capital agreement" for a longer period of time. A 10th extension is getting downright embarrassing. (Probably some legal thing.)
This is like a house that has been shown 500 times with no takers...and the owners still won't lower the price. (or can't lower the price without being underwater.)
Talk about pretend and extend.
Anybody want to take any bets?
"Debt Holders May Operate Broken Top Club." So if the current owners just keep using the club as they have been using the club, how exactly are they out anything? (I suppose, future fees?)
I always said, the Broken Top residents should have let the previous guy try to run the place, and then take it over when he failed. I think he announced all kinds of "improvements" that never would've passed legal muster, which was a complete stalking horse, and stampeded the residents into buying from him. They should have let him keep it.
Instead, these 'debt holders' obviously feel the club is still worth running.
Bottom line, I'm guessing, the residents paid too much.
Someone hires a vanity online newspaper to write a dubious defense of the Sawyers for $5000.00.
Didn't the Sawyers just ask for court appointed lawyers?
If it snows, we're screwed: Part 2.
Bend's budget for this winter is: "...hoping for an uneventful winter."
Backup plan: "...should be adequate provided the city doesn't see a major snowstorm this winter."
This may not end well.
Not to pick on the poor B.A.T. but I've taken to counting the riders whenever I pass a bus. I usually see none, or one or two.
Hard to believe this thing is even close to cost-efficient.
I know some of you will pop up and say, mass transit is never cost-efficient, to which I ask, "Why not?" Surely there must be a way to transport people more efficiently.
But, hey, since the city can't plow the roads, these buses won't be going anywhere anyway.
Hey Bank of the Cascades -- why don't you just extend the "capital agreement" for a longer period of time. A 10th extension is getting downright embarrassing. (Probably some legal thing.)
This is like a house that has been shown 500 times with no takers...and the owners still won't lower the price. (or can't lower the price without being underwater.)
Talk about pretend and extend.