Giant pink axe-head clouds and zombies.

I dreamed I looked into the back yard and there was a giant buck eating and lounging in my garden.

Then I realized my fence was missing....

Blogging too much?


I couldn't quite get home in time on Monday to take a picture of the giant axe-head pink cloud, but it looks like the Bulletin did. We get some pretty fabulous sunsets off our western deck.


Why do so many child actors grow up short?


"McConnell endorses earmark ban."

I'm still willing to take that bet it will never happen.


I worked as a bus boy once, in a restaurant that supposedly had a voluntary tip jar from the waitresses, and I got diddly squat. One of my co-workers got fired for stealing tips.


Kind of a funny moment in Walking Dead. Usually, in a horror movie, the audience is thinking, "Whatever you do, don't go into the room!" Or in this case, "Don't go into the city!"

The hero is trying to explain why he would go back into a city he just barely escaped to his pissed wife, who doesn't accept the first (and real) reason; to save a redneck racist he feels responsible for leaving.

" these people I would walkie-talkie them when they got near Atlanta..."

"Well....I left a bunch of weapons and ammunition."

"Oh, and there is a bag of tools we could really use....."

So there it was, four reasons to do something utterly stupid. Heh.


You wanna know something really scary? I've been holding back on how many blog entries I write. Shows how slow the store has been, and how boring my life is....


BOTC appears to have raised the money.

So I guess everything is O.K. now....

In the same news release, they mention a reverse stock split -- 10 for 1.

Like someone telling me that they're turning all my one dollar bills (three at a time) into a three dollar bills. Somehow it still feels hinky. But I don't understand banks, no how.
