I was bemoaning the lack of promotional opportunities last week with Cameron.
"I've told you before," he said. "I'll put up a Facebook page for the store."
Long pause. My defenses crumble.
"Really!" I could see the excitement in his eyes. "I'll get started tonight!"
Sunday morning. A sign on the counter. "We're on Facebook! Please sign up!"
"Were you in on Saturday?" I asked Cameron. "That was quick."
"No....Matt must have put up the sign. We've already got a whole bunch done!"
"How did Matt know about it? Did you call him?"
"No...I Facebooked him."
Cameron shows me our Pegasus Books of Bend Facebook page, and it looks like a proper website. Lots of good looking stuff on there. He and Matt have been tossing ideas back and forth, and they're getting Jasper involved.
I'm letting the three guys run with it, with a bit of oversight, but mostly I want to see what kinds of things they can do. They've already done more than if I had tried to dictate what to do with the page.
"One thing," I said. "I want you guys to keep the site up-to-date. I don't want you abandoning it in a few weeks when you get busy doing something else."
"No problem," says Cameron.
So there you have it. The store has been Facebooked. No doubt, I'll look back and wonder what too me so long.
"I've told you before," he said. "I'll put up a Facebook page for the store."
Long pause. My defenses crumble.
"Really!" I could see the excitement in his eyes. "I'll get started tonight!"
Sunday morning. A sign on the counter. "We're on Facebook! Please sign up!"
"Were you in on Saturday?" I asked Cameron. "That was quick."
"No....Matt must have put up the sign. We've already got a whole bunch done!"
"How did Matt know about it? Did you call him?"
"No...I Facebooked him."
Cameron shows me our Pegasus Books of Bend Facebook page, and it looks like a proper website. Lots of good looking stuff on there. He and Matt have been tossing ideas back and forth, and they're getting Jasper involved.
I'm letting the three guys run with it, with a bit of oversight, but mostly I want to see what kinds of things they can do. They've already done more than if I had tried to dictate what to do with the page.
"One thing," I said. "I want you guys to keep the site up-to-date. I don't want you abandoning it in a few weeks when you get busy doing something else."
"No problem," says Cameron.
So there you have it. The store has been Facebooked. No doubt, I'll look back and wonder what too me so long.