True Blood was truly gnarly last night.
True Blood won't Jump the Shark, it will kill and eat it.
Watchmen -- flop.
Kick Ass -- a flop.
Scott Pilgrim -- flop.
On the same weekends, excremental pieces of crap like Transformers 2 and Expendables are big hits.
I give up. Real comics are never going to get out of the ghetto, are they? Batman and Spider-man? These are icons more than actual comics to most people.
Re.Google and Net Neutrality.
Big surprise. All corporations become evil.
"It's my nature," said the Scorpion.
Had a super slow weekend. Bring back the events!
Just kidding. Just kidding.
Anyway, my inclination is to order just the Evergreens for the next few weeks -- and save up for a giant order in mid-Sept. that would carry us through to Christmas. This would give me a chance to make the changeover to the bookshelves in the "off" season, around Sept. 10 or so.
Another one of the industry Bulletin Boards I belong to is falling apart through internal conflict.
They tend to break up into ever smaller and less useful pieces. A couple have spun off "Professional" sites dedicated to "members" and are more exclusive.
Funny. I've changed my mind about exclusivity. When these retail organizations first opened up to other professionals (wholesalers, publishers, writers, etc.) I was sort of against it.
Despite this diversity, group think eventually set in, making the opinions and judgments of the contributors more bullying and less valuable.
I suspect, from who quickly abandoned the more open sites to join the 'exclusive' sites, that this problem is probably even worse over there.
Too bad. Small groups rarely hold together in long run.
True Blood won't Jump the Shark, it will kill and eat it.
Watchmen -- flop.
Kick Ass -- a flop.
Scott Pilgrim -- flop.
On the same weekends, excremental pieces of crap like Transformers 2 and Expendables are big hits.
I give up. Real comics are never going to get out of the ghetto, are they? Batman and Spider-man? These are icons more than actual comics to most people.
Re.Google and Net Neutrality.
Big surprise. All corporations become evil.
"It's my nature," said the Scorpion.
Had a super slow weekend. Bring back the events!
Just kidding. Just kidding.
Anyway, my inclination is to order just the Evergreens for the next few weeks -- and save up for a giant order in mid-Sept. that would carry us through to Christmas. This would give me a chance to make the changeover to the bookshelves in the "off" season, around Sept. 10 or so.
Another one of the industry Bulletin Boards I belong to is falling apart through internal conflict.
They tend to break up into ever smaller and less useful pieces. A couple have spun off "Professional" sites dedicated to "members" and are more exclusive.
Funny. I've changed my mind about exclusivity. When these retail organizations first opened up to other professionals (wholesalers, publishers, writers, etc.) I was sort of against it.
Despite this diversity, group think eventually set in, making the opinions and judgments of the contributors more bullying and less valuable.
I suspect, from who quickly abandoned the more open sites to join the 'exclusive' sites, that this problem is probably even worse over there.
Too bad. Small groups rarely hold together in long run.