I kept calling it the Geezer, and everyone corrected me, Guyser.
I still call it the Old Geezer, though.
Wonderful old architecture, a room at least three times bigger than the previous motel. Night and day, I tell you. And only 40.00 more -- and a price that is cheaper than the average coastal motel. High ceilings and tall windows and lots of old crown molding and a chandelier and fluffy bathrobes...
This is the type of living I'd like to try a bit more often.
Before that:
After picking Linda up from church, we drove to Kina's Paizano's Pizza. I figured I couldn't blog about Baker if I didn't drop by. I whispered that we were from Bend to the counter girl and out came Keeneye, all bright and cheery and welcoming. Her crew was very friendly and industrious and helpful. The place seemed busy even on an early Sunday afternoon.
We both had lasagna, and it was truly fantastic. I really can't think of a place in Bend that is it's equivalent. First class food in a casual setting.
After warning her about being too successful, and then contradicting myself by saying how great she'd do in Bend,("Too many restaurants!" she exclaimed) we went on our way. If you check out my Pegasus Blog, I have a link to her blog about her place,(Untrained Professional (now changed to Pizza Pro) with OCD.) It's been interesting to read her write about her experiences, from start up stage to now. I feel strangely protective of her business, and keep trying to tell her to slow down and enjoy.
In the end, we felt like Joseph was too far, so we took the backroads through Medical Springs and on up to Unity. Unity was more like what we expected Ukiah to be, so it was bigger than we expected and a pleasant surprise. Kept going, until we got to Cove. Linda got a vanilla and I got a chocolate ice cream cone. That was the big payoff to the trip.
This is Monday morning, and check out is noon, and darn if I'm in a hurry. We'll mosey out of here well before noon, but still...it's nice not to hurry.
Like I said, we're going to walk the Baker downtown, and then...maybe jaunt over to LaGrande where there are two bookstores. Then again, that would be the third time back and forth from the two burgs, which even with I84 might be a bit much. I'm up for it, but I don't know if Linda is.
We walked the streets of Baker, but most stores were closed. It really has a lot of vacancies, which aren't noticeable at first. But nice stores, as well. Great potential. But you can see how Bend is much more pedestrian friendly. We plan and visiting the stores this morning (Monday). There are at least 3 or 4 bookstores, between Baker and LaGrande, so that's interesting.