Dis And Dat.

Young girl under 18 came in, and she was covered in tattoo's. I wanted to ask: where are you going to put the tattoo you want when you're 25 or 30?

Can a 16 year old girl really make an informed decision to cover herself with tattoo's she'll have to live with the rest of her life? What if her tastes change? It's not like getting a different hairdo.


If it's true that we have more tourists this summer than last, and I have no reason to disbelieve it, they aren't spending as much money in my store. I kind of wish I was still doing customer counts, but it's a bit of a hassle and what does it really prove? Well.........in hindsight, it would prove whether I'm getting more customers or less in the door.

After bragging about how strong my comic sales were, this month they took a huge dive. If I'm going to have any product take a dive, in some ways I'd choose comics, because they may still be picked up later by regulars. The subscription shelves are filling up, which is both a a danger and a possible future boost.

Anyway, after starting strong, this month has tailed off, and it's now looking like it will be down about the same percent as last month. Which has got me looking at the Fall numbers and adjusting my budget to the same level.


Spent most of yesterday online ordering books. I love doing this.

About midway through the process, it occurred to me that I was doing the very thing that I'm hoping my own customers WON'T do, the difference being I was ordering 500 books instead or one or two and that I have no choice.

If there was a warehouse I could go to instead, I'd do that. But -- like I said -- I have no choice.


My only vice in ordering stuff for the store is getting art books. They're expensive, and I don't have room to display them, but I simply can't resist them. It's not something most comic stores do; or most bookstores, for that matter.

I love having them, so I see them as MY collection, more or less, which I will sell you if you want, but meanwhile I still own them.

If I ever do have a website, these would probably be the books I could highlight that there is a decent chance no one else has.
