Retail survival list.

Observations for which I get in trouble every time.

1.) Advertising is a waste of money.
2.) Promotions are a waste of time.
3.) Gathering space is a waste of space.
4.) Discounts are stupid.
5.) Street closures hurt business.
6.) Kids don't read comics.
7.) Never listen to experts.
8.) Big businesses are dinosaurs.
9.) Your core for any hobby are Mom and Pops.
10.)Comics are literature.
11.)Comics are art.
12.)Business isn't rocket science, it's math.
13.)Experts usually aren't.
14.)Mom and Pops grow the business...
15.)Big business plunders.
16.)Big box stores are ponzi schemes.
17.)Always pick the bigger town/more competition.
18.)Never pick the smaller town/less competition.
19.)No amount of brilliance will overcome the math.
20.)Superhero movies have zero effect on comic sales.
21.)Old 'collectibles' are a con.
22.)Antiques Roadshow has a lot to answer for.
23.)The internet is our savior.
24.)The internet is our doom.
25.)Stay small -- don't expand beyond your abilities.
26.)Stay in place -- don't move, change services, etc. to save a few bucks.
27.)Mom and Pops earn enough for Mom and Pop, not managers and a crew.
28.)Producers will always drop the Mom and Pop in favor of big business.
29.)Once the Mom and Pop's are dropped, it's only a matter of time before a full collapse...
30.)Magical thinking won't overcome the math.
31.)Wanting it ain't enough.
32.)Product, product, product.
33.)If something isn't selling, raise the price.
34.)If something is selling, stick to your price.
35.)Friends come and go, enemies accumulate.
36.)You can't please everyone.
37.)"The customer is always right," is a promotional gimmick.
38.)Big business will tell you what you want to hear, then do what they want.
39.)Let product be your display, not fancy expensive fixtures...
40.)The more you carry, the more you'll sell.
41.)Don't dump product, keep it, and handsell it to the truly interested.
42.)Everything sells eventually.
43.)It's better to have product customers want, than that they like you.
44.)It's better to have it at the higher price, than NOT have it at the lower price.
45.)Bad parking just means you're busy. ("No one eats there anymore, it's too crowded.)
46.)You'll never stay popular forever. Popularity comes and goes...
47.)No business will tell you how well they are really doing.
48.)If you are slow, you'll find out later everyone else was too.
49.)Inner dynamics are more important than outer. (the economy, competition, etc.)

and finally, though I could probably come up with a 100 more...........

50.)Never listen to experts...including me.