The 100 year old virgin.

Toy Story 3.

What a great movie, especially the second half. I teared up at the end, and I always know when I tear up, my wife is nearly sobbing.

Reminds me of when I went on a first date with a girl to see E.T. I was crying at the end, and she thought that was GREAT! "Let's go to more movies!"

Sadly, that's all she really wanted to do with me, heh.


Just had an old guy in the store asking for C.S. Lewis. I keep a new hardcover copy of Screwtape Letters, which he grabbed and brought up to the counter. Then, I'm not kidding, he nearly threw the book at me and said, "This was written by the devil!"

", it was written by C.S. Lewis...."

My friend Aaron, who is a pretty strong Christian, was in the store, and thought that was the funniest thing he'd heard.


So Steve Earle was staring in my window, yesterday.. I mean, standing there stock still staring....gave me a weird bit of a frisson.

He kept walking, though.

I told the next 8 people that -- and not one of them knew who the hell Steve Earle was....


The latest news stories about downtown Bend "filling up" sound pretty good, right?

Except that downtown Bend never really emptied out. There has been pretty steady infill since I started keeping track a couple of years ago.

I would have been interested to know the rate of turnover before the boom, and during the boom as well, but....well....that's a good reason to keep a list.

For the next time....


Saw the 1st Twilight last night at home. No longer a Twilight virgin -- no, that's not right. With Twilight, you stay a virgin.

A little creepy, the 100 year old guy lusting after a 16 year old. I found 16 year olds vapid when I was 21, already. (To all my 16 year old customers --- just kidding.)

So you can be young and pretty and rich and super fast and super strong forever -- and all you have to do is drink a little animal blood once in a while.

Oh....and stay in high school for all eternity.