Does Bend attract these guys.....?

It appears that 'Jason Evers' was not only a tinpot tyrant, but also an "imposter."

Sociopath in charge?

What's amazing is how long it took for the local complaints to be acted upon. (After getting caught lying at least twice, he was promoted!)

Even more amazing is that this guy stole the identity of a 3 year old who was abducted and murdered.

How creepy is that?


I got to say, the story on O'Keefe's selling in Sisters left a bad impression.

Instead of celebrating the successful start-up and sale of a hard-working person's business, it came across more as "I got mine," (but my 19 employees get to look for a new job.)

And I thought there was a political axe to grind blaming the recent tax measures. The Bulletin seemed to go out of it's way for quotes that seemed to have little to do with the actual reasons for the sale. It was stretching a bit of good news to make a political point.

Besides, I don't believe her. I believe she sold the business for her own benefit. Nothing wrong with that.

I don't know this woman. She might be perfectly nice -- she did offer to help retrain her employees. But something about the way she seemed use her successful sale -- which is something to celebrate -- to make strained political points really put me off.

Blaming tax measures just looks like a petty, sour-grapes, politically motivated jab. I don't know. I wasn't impressed by her attitude.


Another reminder about FCBD. I probably will show up for the first hour, to show my guys how I want it done. But it's my day off, and I'm going home to garden and read comics....