Yeah, yeah a Tiger blog.

You know, it takes a certain size of balls to keep ordering stuff for the store when Pegasus has as horrible a week as we've just had. But I know, from experience, that these kinds of weeks happen. It's why I make plans in the first place, and why I don't change plans willy-nilly. I need to see a trend for 3 months, before I'll make major changes.

It helps that the six horrible days where sandwiched by two pretty big days.

Blame the weather and move on.

I watched the Master yesterday. I admit it, I'm fascinated by Tiger Woods. He's a role-model in a sense for how to approach business. He has these horrible shots, and a bad stretch, and a small tantrum, then he calms himself and keeps plugging away, and eventually turns it around.

At the end of the day, he's 4 shots behind, but you can tell -- just tell from the tone of his voice and the glint in his eyes -- that he still thinks he's going to win. (Any other golfer would probably be thinking, "wait till next year....")

So whenever I have a bad week, I throw a small tantrum, and then calm myself and keep plugging away.

Not that I'm any Tiger Woods; but you can learn something from the guys (overused) brass balls.