More this and that.

At long last, have we no sense of proportion?

10 stories on Brittany Murphy, an actress I was barely aware of, in Huffington Post yesterday. 10!

"Is the head dead yet?"

On the other hand:

I actually thought the Tiger Wood story was important, but not for any of the usual reasons. It was important to me because it showed how utterly bamboozled we all were by the squeaky clean 'image.' We literally have dozens of books about Tiger Woods at the Bookmark. And they are all a bunch of malarkey.

Years ago, I decided that autobiographies were useless; that they in no way told the truth. I have my doubts about most biographies. And this points out the unreliability of the daily news -- again.


Speaking of numbers.

I doubt the recovery numbers. I doubt the unemployment numbers. I doubt the Christmas sales numbers.

I doubted a number yesterday, that was one most people would've thought I thought was true. That local income went down a small percent. I'm almost certain there is so much underthetable economy going on, that that probably isn't true, either.


How to lose a million dollars, by the City of Bend. Be obstinate and bull headed. Don't change in the face of change. Over reach. Spend all the money you have, and all the money you think you're going to have. Don't change. Make more ambitious plans. Lose another million dollars. Never believe the negative scenarios, only the positive scenarios. When the positive scenarios don't happen, be sure not to change.

You can always cut emergencies services.

Make more ambitious plans.

New boss, same as the old boss.


You know, despite the right wing screaming of socialism, I think Obama is terribly middle of the road. He's a compromiser. I guess I'm still hoping his compromises will amount to something. Our government may be so broke and broken, that's all that can be done.


"Teen's BB gun triggers brief scare at Bend Target"

Hey, what do you expect when you name your store, Target?


As expected, we had a huge drop from last years huge number at the store, yesterday. I expect pretty much the same today and tomorrow, leaving us -- almost exactly at last year's overall numbers.

I still have a bit of hope for the week after Christmas, though.


Watched a documentary about Andrew Jackson a couple of years ago, which talked about how he railed against this new thing called "corporations" and he abolished the National Bank, consequences be damned.

He seemed like a real crank.

Caught the same segment the other night.

He seemed like a real genius.


Where will all the cranks go? Bendbubble2 turned off the comments!

This blog isn't the answer, if for no other reason than hours go by before I can check comments, sometimes. And, though I've almost never had to delete comments, I doubt I could put up with what Paul-doh put up with.

You know, the next guy doesn't have to write a thesis every week. Just a short theme and then open to comment.