I miss the cranks.

I miss the local blog cranks, the bubble bloggers, the crazies and ranters.

I'm just not cranky enough. I'm prone to touchy-feeley blogs, like yesterday, or blogs about business (I have a couple of customers who plead with me every time they come in; "Quit writing about business! It's boring!")

I suppose it's human nature, but most local blogs are written by people who are calm, and pleasant, and reasonable, and apparently, second cousins to Martha Stewart. People want to put their best face to the blogosphere, and I suppose that's understandable.

But, blah.

Sure, some of these ranters go too far, way too far. But I'm a big boy, I can wade my way through the excess crap. It's not like it's Craig's List, or something. (Those folks are just plain mean and stupid.) There is usually some nuggets of insight and wisdom, if you have a big enough shovel.

There're still a few ranters around, but they are mostly political, and talking about national issues. I've told Homeless on the High Desert that he's a bit too conspiracy minded and anti-jewish for me; and he's prone to sheer profance shout-outs.

I suppose it's a function of anonymity. I can only go so far in my rants -- everytime I've let loose, it seems like I've offended someone, or hurt someone's feelings, and I don't much like that. Almost always, I realize that I don't have all the info, that I haven't walked in their shoes, that I'm being less than emphathitic.

A true crank wouldn't care about any of that.

A true crank would just say what's on his mind, consequences be damned, and even if he or she is wrong, it at least stirs the waters, makes for some interesting comments.

So...who among you is crazy enough, full of enough piss and vinegar, and intelligent enough to create some controversy?

I know you're out there....