No Customer Roll for You!

Because I didn't work yesterday.

Linda volunteered to work for me.

I did have to go in around 1:00 for an hour training session on the POS. Completely disruptive to business, which is why I've been scheduling these sessions before work, but both Aaron and Sam wanted to do it at 1:00, and I wanted to make sure we were all on the same page.

Sam has missed two sessions, I have missed a session, and -- showing that Aaron is human after all -- he missed one session.

I'm just not quite getting there. There are a couple of major issues I haven't quite figured out. Part of it is my own reluctance to learn a new system. I find myself paying attention for only a period of time, and then my brain shuts down. (Aaron says he sees it in my eyes...)

Part of it is that I need to import some information from my book publisher.

It's like the information is slowly coalescing into something solid, but it's still a little blurry.

And part of it is that this is the absolute worse time to be taking on a big new task. I'm so busy with customers that my head is spinning. Huge foot traffic, lots of little transactions, and very little time off. I can't stop everything midstream. Just the hour of training yesterday made that very clear.

I asked Sam how many other stores had my system, and he said 150. Out of 3000. "Are there other stores who want it?"

"Oh, my, yes. We have a HUGE waiting list."

I hope they don't lose patience with me. My 90 day training window is rapidly closing, but Sam said they'd extend it if needed.

I've set a tentative date a few weeks from now to spend an evening doing inventory with friends and family. I'm giving myself until the end of September to make the full transition. It should be easier to deal with all the hiccups if I have a third or half as many transactions to deal with. (Probably about a third less sales, but more than that in customer count....)

I know it needs to be done, I realize that I'll end up really appreciating it, but damn -- being my own boss, I give myself too many outs.