Twittering has devolved. Whip it up. Whip it good.

My last two twits.

"Spam infested and link littered."


"What do you have to say? Not someone else. Not referring to another site. You. Not everyone else. Or do you have anything to say? Sheesh..."

I was going to go on, but twittering isn't an argumentative format? (Though why not? Seems perfect for that. Everyone has to be concise and can't dominate through sheer volume.)

But, no. Twittering is happy talk.

Thing is, what everyone else slams Twitter for, I actually like. Mundane topics, like having lunch at such and such a place, or my kid just threw up, or my husband is looking for a job, just got back from the Beatles singalong and it was packed....

Real like. What is happening to you and to your community?

It's all so unfocused. Look, I know there is this thing called the world wide intertube net, or ethernet or something....and it's full of pictures of cute cats and dogs. I know, because I get these e-mails with links to them.

But I don't care about that stuff. I want to know about YOU. You and your family and friends, and what's going on in Bend, or in the country. Links lose their effectiveness if you link every little thing that comes along. Save it up.

And there is the spam. Links to spam. You see, I can't know the difference until I click, and there is the frikken spam, and I go away from Twittering for a couple of weeks, and come back and find it worse than ever....

It reminds me of the Monty Python twit race; They're Off! Contestants going in every direction! Tripping over lines in the track! Getting up and going in the opposite direction!

Wait.....twit race. Twittering.


Never mind.