The Budgeting Game.

O.K. Boys and Girls.

Let's play the Pegasus Budgeting Game!

The rules are simple.

I have 100 points to spend. Anything over 100 points and I automatically lose.

If I let more than 10% of salable product go out of stock, I lose.

Actually, this is my game and you guys get to watch! can go down the street and watch the lawns dry up on that abandoned house, whichever is more fun.

This is an honor system, I have to be honest about what is "salable", for instance.

I tend to frontload my orders, because they roll over on the credit card, so I get maximum time to sell the product. Something like this: 30% first week, 25% second week, 20% third week, 15% fourth week, and 10% reserved for opportunities.

The new game starts next week for Diamond orders (which are about 50% of all orders.) and on the fifteenish of June for everything else.

Let the best of my instincts win.

Meanwhile, I got my semi-annual order of standups in, yesterday. I order heavily on the Star Wars, which always sell; (especially Yoda, Darth, and Boba Fett, and I always have to have Slave Leia....) Always have to have John Wayne and Marilyn and James Dean; Elvis and Betty Boop, Pirate Johnny Depp.

New this time. Michelle and Barack. Heh.