Budget Game, turning the first card.

So I wake up this morning, and go to the Diamond site, where they're announcing a waving of the 3% reorder fee for the next two weeks in "appreciation" for our "patience" over the warehouse move.

I guess it's a good thing the never heard my cursing and stomping, or they wouldn't have used the word "patience." Then again, maybe they did.

Anyway, no 3% reorder fee wavier. O.K. That's nice. Nevermind that not one other supplier I deal with charges a 'reorder fee.' Nevermind that it would seem to be counter-productive. Nevermind that most of my suppliers actually pay shipping, too.

At least they're making the gesture.

Oh, look. They're having an "Appreciation Sale." I'm sure it's all junk which I can safely ignore. I click (turn the first card)....


So...first off, they have all the Lone Wolf and Cub graphic novels at a discount. I used to carry the full run of Lone Wolf and Cub, and I'm currently sold out.

What to do, what to do.....

Do you see now? Do you see the temptation?

I look further down the list, and Marvel has the Ultimate line on sale. The wife of one of my best customers has just discovered the Ultimate Spider-man graphic novels. "I had no idea they were this good," she says. "I've wasted time not reading these!"
-- I love it when that happens. -- She's bought the first 3 books, and there is every chance she'll want the rest.

And there they all are, all for sale at a discount....

What do I do? Are you getting how hard this is?


I ordered everything on the list that I would've bought at full price, or was planning to buy at full price. So, just expended another 11 points.

Later....I'm going to go through the list and order the stuff that I wasn't worried about it selling out right away. Last summer's sale, I missed, because by the time I was ready all the good stuff was gone....

I think this Budget Game is going to be every bit as hard as I expected.