Bristol Palin says "Abstinence is realistic." Ex-boyfriend Levi Johnson says it's unrealistic." --- Is this a guy thing?
Paula Abdul admits to 12 year pill addiction. --- Um....How come I already knew this?
Dom DeLuise has died. --- God love him, but I thought this already happened.
Wall Street Journal headline, GOP should forget Reagan. --- Who?
If ever a show was aptly named, it's LOST. --- I am. Totally. Lost.
Bend 1031 Exchange 'arguably' a Ponzi. --- Arguably?
And the Bulletin circles back to basics. --- Petersen Rock Garden?
BAT Fare Increase. --- Oh. That's how you raise money! Why didn't I think of that? I need to raise my prices!!! I'm sure people will buy just as much....
Another Bulletin headline: Current Health Care System is Popular. --- Wait. Huh?
Green. GREEN. GREEN!! ---- Why does this raise my scamster alarms?
Stress Tests Indicate Banks Still Need Capital Boost -- Oh, hell. You didn't need a massive stress test. Here. I'll do it. Banks want more money. There. Wasn't that easy?
Verizon and Captital One are the good guys, right? -- Two biggest phonies in the Corporate World that I've had the misfortune of crossing paths; and not co-incidently, two of the biggest pain-in-the-ass advertisers. ---
Capital One and Verizon.
Onion Headline: Trekkies Bash New Star Trek Film as "Fun, Watchable." -- snort.
Paula Abdul admits to 12 year pill addiction. --- Um....How come I already knew this?
Dom DeLuise has died. --- God love him, but I thought this already happened.
Wall Street Journal headline, GOP should forget Reagan. --- Who?
If ever a show was aptly named, it's LOST. --- I am. Totally. Lost.
Bend 1031 Exchange 'arguably' a Ponzi. --- Arguably?
And the Bulletin circles back to basics. --- Petersen Rock Garden?
BAT Fare Increase. --- Oh. That's how you raise money! Why didn't I think of that? I need to raise my prices!!! I'm sure people will buy just as much....
Another Bulletin headline: Current Health Care System is Popular. --- Wait. Huh?
Green. GREEN. GREEN!! ---- Why does this raise my scamster alarms?
Stress Tests Indicate Banks Still Need Capital Boost -- Oh, hell. You didn't need a massive stress test. Here. I'll do it. Banks want more money. There. Wasn't that easy?
Verizon and Captital One are the good guys, right? -- Two biggest phonies in the Corporate World that I've had the misfortune of crossing paths; and not co-incidently, two of the biggest pain-in-the-ass advertisers. ---
Capital One and Verizon.
Onion Headline: Trekkies Bash New Star Trek Film as "Fun, Watchable." -- snort.