I thought for awhile yesterday, that my smug "I'm all right, Jack," post of yesterday was going to be punished.
It turned out all right, but it was still a warning to me.
It seems like it's the smallest of bills that can trip me up.
I've taken to waiting until my medical bills have made the full circuit through the system before I pay them. My regular yearly check up is partially covered by my insurance, so I wait until I'm sure they've seen it first. In the past I've been caught paying a bill too early, and then needing a refund.
Anyway, I planned to pay the bill in mid-November, but it slipped between the cracks. Then it got paid on December 31, along with every other bill I had. Late, but no harm.
Or so I thought.
My wife came in yesterday morning and handed me a notice of my bill going to a collection agency. I was to pay within 14 days. There was no date on the bill.
"When did you get this?"
"I'm not sure...."
When I was going to Gilbert Lee's office, my bills were being sent to my wife's name. Even though I had tried to clear that up, more than once, it appears that it was still happening with the files transferred to a new doctor.
Sending it to my wife is not the best way for me to know where I stand. My wife has her bills, I have mine.
As some of you may know, Dr. Lee's office went through a bit of a disruption, so it's understandable.
So....by pushing it a little too long. (My bad -- I certainly had the money.))
By it being sent to the wrong person, during the Holiday season.
By not having a date on the bill.
It was possible that my credit rating might get a rap.
Turns out I'd already sent my payment off before the bill was even sent. But it shows how fragile my personal credit can be. One late or mislaid bill, and I might be liable for god knows how many charges. I spent a couple of nervous hours yesterday wondering if all my careful planning and paying off of credit cards and what not would be subverted.
I'm also very aware that a car breakdown or a health problem could easily wipe out my little bit of velvet. So...I'm knocking wood.
It turned out all right, but it was still a warning to me.
It seems like it's the smallest of bills that can trip me up.
I've taken to waiting until my medical bills have made the full circuit through the system before I pay them. My regular yearly check up is partially covered by my insurance, so I wait until I'm sure they've seen it first. In the past I've been caught paying a bill too early, and then needing a refund.
Anyway, I planned to pay the bill in mid-November, but it slipped between the cracks. Then it got paid on December 31, along with every other bill I had. Late, but no harm.
Or so I thought.
My wife came in yesterday morning and handed me a notice of my bill going to a collection agency. I was to pay within 14 days. There was no date on the bill.
"When did you get this?"
"I'm not sure...."
When I was going to Gilbert Lee's office, my bills were being sent to my wife's name. Even though I had tried to clear that up, more than once, it appears that it was still happening with the files transferred to a new doctor.
Sending it to my wife is not the best way for me to know where I stand. My wife has her bills, I have mine.
As some of you may know, Dr. Lee's office went through a bit of a disruption, so it's understandable.
So....by pushing it a little too long. (My bad -- I certainly had the money.))
By it being sent to the wrong person, during the Holiday season.
By not having a date on the bill.
It was possible that my credit rating might get a rap.
Turns out I'd already sent my payment off before the bill was even sent. But it shows how fragile my personal credit can be. One late or mislaid bill, and I might be liable for god knows how many charges. I spent a couple of nervous hours yesterday wondering if all my careful planning and paying off of credit cards and what not would be subverted.
I'm also very aware that a car breakdown or a health problem could easily wipe out my little bit of velvet. So...I'm knocking wood.