Bits and Peaces

Last chance for the graphic novel Watchmen before movie! Watchmen is getting good reviews, mostly, but a few really negative ones. Seems they either love it, or hate it.

What's happening at Bachelor? No news is good news?

Is "It could be worse...." a good answer to, "How's business?"

That Zicam cold remedy, actually seems to work.

You know, Iraq seems to be functioning...never would've believed it.

The Blazer's, I mean Oden's....knees are bad again.

Previous original owners of Jackalope Grill and The Barking Squirrel, are opening Joolz in downtown Bend, in the Bistro Corlise space. What...they ran out of animals? The Mad Chipmonk, the Rabid Raccoon? (P.S. Will be revising the Opening/Closing list with one more change...)

Bulletin beats the two T.V. stations on news of Captain Sawyer's retirement; though KOHD still has more info about 'new' charges...

I no longer feel the need to point out the bad economic news; the media has caught up.

Bank of the Cascades is a penny stock? Anyone remember the huge, glowing articles about this Bank, and it's walk-on-water CEO?

Where's Central Oregon's unemployment rate? 9.9% for Oregon can't bode well...

How many tattoo shops and baby/children's stores does one town need?

These could have all been Twitters, I suppose. I don't really get Twitter.

Speaking of which, I have massively long blogs that I don't want to burden anyone with. Eyes glaze over. I try to do no more than one or two big ones a week.

Network T.V. is collapsing? This is like my favorite year: Mentalist, C.S.I. Vegas, Dollhouse, Sarah Conner, Terminator, Life, Heroes, Lost, Life on Mars, I suffering the dreaded "Show Inflation?" Then again, I dropped Fringe, Law and Order: Criminal Intent, Chuck, Eleventh Hour, almost dropped Life on Mars, but then it got interestingly weird. No sitcoms or reality shows....Oh, and loving (hating) Battlestar, but that's not network.