Pegasus Tagline.

I noticed in today's Bulletin article on Taglines, that the Bend bookstore, Between the Covers (I always want to say, Under the Covers, for some reason) has a nice little tag.

"Book lovers never go to bed alone."

Nice. Sly and cozy, just like the name of their store.

So I thought Pegasus Books should have a tagline.

For instance,

"Pegasus Books -- Buy a Damn Book."

Says what I want, but there is something inelegant about it.

How about,

Pegasus Books -- Buy a book, you illiterate wretch."

Better. Still says what I want, but there is still something...oh, I don't know...blunt? about it.

"Pegasus Books -- Show some parenting, and buy your kid a book."

Or how about:

"Pegasus Books -- Comics -- Smarter than you are."


I think I'm not quite getting this marketing thing.

Anybody have any suggestions?


"Pegasus Books -- older than our customers." Tim

Pegasus Books -- Where imagination takes flight. Olde Dame

Pegasus Books -- Fascinating reading is just around the Bend. Olde Dame

Pegasus Books -- Where books wing their way into your heart. Olde Dame

Pegasus Books -- Just Who the Hell is Oprah? Dunc

Pegasus Books -- What do you mean you want change? Dunc

Pegasus Books - Buy this book or we'll kill this puppy. Bruce.

Pegasus Books -- Make a deal, or we'll club a seal! PopGoesBend.