All piled up, and nowhere to go.

Bulletin Headlines, today:

PILED UP AND READY: But ready for what? I have no reason to believe that snow won't show up, except the superstition and experience that when things start going wrong, everything goes wrong...

GUN SALES SOAR: It's heartwarming how we're all pulling together in this time of trouble.

SMILE -- TURNS OUT HAPPINESS IS CONTAGIOUS: By all means. But fake smiles are kinda creepy.

ADMIRING THE MORNING PERSON: Really? I just want to shoot them. With my new gun.

A HARD SELL FOR BIG 3 EXECS: Despite what I said last time, showing up in hybrid cars and offering to take 1.00 salaries no longer counts. Too late, bozo's.

SEVENTH MOUNTAIN FACES NEW LAWSUIT: I thought that last lawsuit ended a little messily. It's a crappy situation and probably irreconcilable in this economic climate. time-shares EVER work?

GOTTSHALKS HAD LOSS: All because they came to Bend, I'm sure.

4 IN BEND ARRESTED AFTER SERIES OF THEFTS: A perfect circle jerk. The sleazy robbing the crooked and just all around mindless twittery. Mugshots in KTVZ and KOHD.

BEND MUST DO WHAT IT CAN TO SAVE CITY BUS SERVICE: Editorial. Which says, basically, that because she knows some people who need it, it should be supported. Which is a bit like saying, I know some people who can't mow their lawn, so we should create a massive bureaucracy, with lawn care employees and warehouse of lawn mowing machines, to take care of it.

There are always individual problems that need to be addressed, but not everything requires a government program. Not saying that it isn't needed, just that a few examples of people who need it aren't proof.

It's almost certain that the bungled managing of the buses doomed the measure. And, I think that is about as liberal a turnout as Bend is ever likely to get. So, I just can't see how they can count on the public ponying up for this any time in the near future.

BUSINESS DINERS TAKE A RAIN CHECK: Lately, I've been saying to people. Go back a couple of years; rich people were moving in droves to Bend, supposedly saving our asses from ever being in the wilderness again.

But the scenario I keep imagining is this:

Real estate agent takes rich client out to dinner.

Anyone want to guess who paid for the dinner?

So thank you, Bulletin, for your endless blog fodder. Without you, I'd be lost.