Is it over yet?

This is getting kind of anti-climactic.

Other than the supposed 'undecideds', who apparently are the sort of people who sit through an entire traffic light trying to decide whether to turn right or left, what's left? I may not have marked my ballot yet, but I know how it's going to turn out.

We're at that point in the football game where the announcers are desperately trying to find ways to keep the audience around. "Joe Quarterback has pulled off miracles before!"

McCain is doing nothing but attacking Obama. Obama has so much money he can both attack McCain, and run positive ads at the same time, and take a couple of days to go home and visit his sick Toot. And even that seems a good move.

McCain is resorting to charming terms from my childhood, like "Socialist." (Since Liberal isn't bad enough, what's next Commie Pinko?) Hoping for a doomsday event. I think I'm seeing a glimmer of relief behind Cindy McCain's frozen Halloween grin. Michelle looks exhausted. Obama looks cool and collected, as usual. Lady McPalin is sharpening her knives for the next go around.

They keep repeating the polls could be wrong. But check out the trend lines at the SLATE online site. They crossed in some of the red states a couple of weeks ago, and I'm trying to imagine what would make them turn around and cross back again in 10 days.

Obama is warning against getting overconfident. And I'm enough of a Democrat to worry.

Is it over yet?