1000th post.

1000 posts. A couple of novels worth of words.

I haven't missed a day so far.

Since I'm still a little less than a month shy of my 2nd year anniversary for Best Minimum Wage Job A Middle-Aged Guy Ever Had, I obviously have often posted more than once a day.

Actually, I'm peeved with myself that I didn't see that in time.

I could easily have hit a trifecta, if I'd noticed a little sooner. My second year anniversary is November 24th. It would have been cool if I could've hit my 1000 post on that date. But by the time I noticed, it was too late to keep my daily string going and align the two events.

Keeping the daily posting streak alive seems more important to me.

This has been a momentous month. Very unsettling, in some ways. We're halfway between summer business and Christmas. Both my birthday and my 25th Wedding Anniversary fell in October. My taxes due on Oct. 15. Of course, there's been the biggest election of my lifetime. A financial meltdown that is for the history books.

Interesting times.