Mug shots again.

Seeing the pictures of the cold case files reminded me of my fascination with mugshots. I've seen those same pictures of missing and murdered people over and over again over the years. (Should one leave a flattering picture around for that purpose, or is that too gruesome? It's how you'll be seen forevermore.)

They used to say, if you were going to murder someone, murder them in Central Oregon cause you'll never get caught. A probable cheap shot, and I apologize to our law enforcement, but it's too good a line not to use.

Anyway, I've been fascinated by the pure hopelessness you see in mug shots. And how the guys all have either wild-assed hair or very short buzz hair. Was talking to a policeman customer of mine, and he said the cops keep their hair short so it won't get grabbed in a fight.

Anyway, I'm reading UP IN HONEY'S ROOM, by Elmore Leonard, and he had this to say about mug shots.

"At the end of the trail ," Kevin said. They were typical mug shots, taken at the low end of the subject's appearance.

"end of the trail" "low end of the subject's appearance"

Well, exactly.