They're shooting liberal Unitarians?

Oh, my god. Now they're shooting liberal Unitarians. Really, it would be hard to find a more peacenik bunch, outside the Quakers.

I really don't care for 'politically correct' thinking; but I can take quite a bit of extreme views as long as they're honest. If I don't like it, I can always go somewhere else. (Actually, I don't mind extreme views if they're used for effect or to make a point....if they're honest, I just think they're wrong and move along. But I think a full range of views is a good thing. But not when it's monomaniacal.)

Monomaniacal. Give it a rest.

I don't talk politics or religion at the store.

I try to ignore politics and religion on the other blogs.

I already know how I'm going to vote in November, and no amount of Faux News or CNN ninnyness is going to change that.

But I do have to wonder if constant scapegoating and name-calling and stereotyping is a healthy thing.

I suppose a sicko with a gun doesn't need provocation.

I guess I wish some other blogs would stay on topic. I'm kind of tired of wading through political rants when I want my real estate news, or whatever. Though I suppose politics and real estate are inextricably linked.

I used to enjoy the venting. But it's just gotten meaningless.

And I should make it clear -- I'm tired of these political subjects from BOTH sides. Nothings more guaranteed to make me change the channel.

You know who I'm talking about.