Best part of Batman? The Watchmen....

Went to the first showing of Batman on Monday. Moderate crowd. Hell of a movie.

Intense, and laying it on thick. It's what I've always said; the closer they hew to the spirit of the comic, the better the movie. Personally, I like the grimness -- he's the Dark Knight, after all. A little bit of humor, and Heath Ledger made me laugh out loud a few times with his very odd, but somehow completely appropriate line readings. Didn't think it was too long, or too intense or too confusing, like I've read from a few reviewers (have they gone to action flicks lately?)

The Joker was played as a complete psycho freak. There is violence, but if you notice they cut away every time there was a close-up act. The real violence, what would scare me if I had kids, was in the psychotic tone of Joker's voice. Very scary.

No one's mentioned the soundtrack, which really amped up the amphetamine intenseness.

I noticed they stayed away from the Batcave pretty much altogether.

Me and Pat and customer Josh, spent a good half hour at the store, yesterday, trying to figure out who the next villain in the movie well be -- the Penguin is icky gothic. I suppose he might work.

Oh, and the Watchmen trailer? Gave me a shiver. People have no idea what's coming.

It's going to be the 2001 or Star Wars of comic movies, hopefully lending legitimacy to comics from then on.

But then again, why should I care? Comics are great, and if you aren't reading them, it's YOUR loss.


At least read the Watchmen...