Speaking of minimum wage.

I don't believe it was preordained that Pegasus would be a Minimum Wage job. Without the dreadful mistakes I've made over the years, it would've turned into a real business long ago.

Some of these mistakes just had to be learned the hard way. It is an extremely lucky or smart guy who can avoid them: especially since the 'common wisdom' and economic culture seems almost designed to lead you astray.

But I got way too enamored of the bubble money. The huge infusion of money that would come along, only to simply disappear overnight. Pogs, Beanie Babies, Pokemon, Sports Cards, Comics.

I got into the habit of waiting for the Next Big Thing.

It's one of the reasons I felt compelled to talk about the housing bubble, because I understood how difficult it is to see and resist the temptation.

If I could give myself advice 24 years ago, it would be; "slow and steady wins the race." Build the business slowly, keep strengthening every year, resist the quick kill, resist over-expanding and over-investing. Live within your means.

Like I said, maybe I just had to go through that fire. I think I know what I'm doing now. I think we were able to apply those hard lessons to Linda's store and have avoided the same mistakes.

But the race isn't over yet...