Damn *#^$&^^* Budget!

Going into my third month of budgeting. Two weeks reordering, two weeks off. I could definitely see the results, in cash flow especially. Plus higher payments on my credit cards. By the end of June, I should be debt free. It feels very virtuous.

Which is why I feel a little let down. Spent the whole weekend doing nothing. After a week where my spending was out of control. Gained a bunch of weight on my trip. Spent two hours watching a Frontline I'd already seen; rolling my eyes at the Bush escapades. Cringing at pictures of American soldiers being blown up and assassinated on street corners. All in all, pretty stupid way to spend my time. Oh, and reading Blood Meridian by Cormac McCarthy, which is a cheerful little romp through the American West. (Bloodiest book ever.)

I've read two books by Cormac McCarthy, The Road -- about the end of the world. I mean, really, the END of the WORLD. And Blood Meridian. I've seen two movies, All the Pretty Horses and No Country for Old Men. I think I get it. No one is safe from random violence, the good guys don't always win, there is no rhyme or reason to fate, existential despair. Arghhh.

I admire the books, but I'm not sure I enjoyed them.

But underlying it all, is the realization that I went off budget big time last week. Almost out of control. I think I can recover from it, but I'm disappointed. I'll be holding my breath -- I can't tell you the number of times I've had a good sales streak, went and spent the money to keep it going, and then had sales fall off the table.

I had gotten a couple of thousand ahead, pure bonus, and had contemplated not doing the two weeks off this month, figuring that business would stay good, especially if I was supplying the store. And would it have hurt me to pocket the bonus? It was a bonus!!!!! Damn.

But now, I'm going to be forced to follow the original plan. A strict two weeks of no spending. Hopefully, I cam get back to where I started the month.

Linda and I are going to go see Narnia. Maybe that will cheer me up.