
Rereading the last post, it makes it sound like I'm a real slacker. Which is pretty ridiculous when I really count the hours and probably shows what freaking workaholic I am. I'm still working about 65% of the available hours. If I want to take the weekends off, then I'm really only not working about 12 of the remaining hours, which I'm paying Patrick for if I'm there or not. I'm still going to work 5 days a week. I'm still spending 10 hours a month at home on the orders; and I'm not going to count the hours and hours of perusing the web in service to the store.

It may be a bit more noticeable because I'm not there on weekends. But weekends are the best time to take off, because there are more casual customers then, and less regulars. Being the 'boss' works best with regulars.

Besides there are subtle advantages in having an employee there half the time. People enjoy the banter, the store seeming more active. Any good employee develops his or her own group of customers. (Hey, if you don't like me, you can always come on days when the employee is there.....) The employee is a different, younger age, and that may appeal to some people. And an employee is going to mix the product sales -- have his own favorites, or be able to sell something that the owner wouldn't automatically try to sell, and so on.

What's ridiculous over mooning of the hours is that, as I've often said, I worked almost 7 years straight, 7 days a week. I may of turned middle age in that timespan anyway, but I'll always blame those years for turning my hair gray. I wasn't always a happy camper during those years, either.

So the biggest advantage to an employee is a well-rested, jollier owner.